Supplements & Meds ARE different. Nutrients are ESSENTIAL - Meds are not.

Just because supplements contain nutrients in extraordinarily high amounts [and may even have drug-like effects], does NOT mean there is no difference between supplements and meds. You DO need nutrients to live - but you DON'T need meds. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest supplements you can take.

BTW, today I conducted an experiment, and consumed 6000 mg vitamin C (acid neutralized calcium ascorbate). I'm not worried about "side effects". But I am worried about someone I know who's been prescribed Levofloxacin. That stuff has side effects that include permanent neuropathy, and detachment of achillies tendon - even 6 months AFTER discontinuing (because it evidently shuts down the body's ability to repair tendons).

"If a healthy person cuts off nutrients, that person will eventually become diseased, and may even die."

And rather than being diagnosed properly what alts do is blame it on chronic lyme disease, leaky gut, and treat everything with an alkaline diet or ACV or blame it all on vitamin C deficiency. They claim that all food is depleted and doesn't support health so here comes the supplements.

"If a healthy person abstains from pharmaceutical drugs, that person will probably remain fine."

A healthy person does not require pharmaceuticals there bright one. They are no more essential than supplements are. Many studies have shown supplements to be useless in preventing anything. Food is essential not supplements. "Pharmaceuticals" including supplements address specific needs. In many cases they provide protection and treatment that regular food can not.

"If a diseased person cuts off nutrients, that person may die. "

Tell me about it or better yet tell Dr Gonzalez that with his raw diet health food cures for cancer when his patients were getting so sick that they couldn't eat over time and so they dropped out of the study and died. His explanation is that because they couldn't eat his miracle cure then that proves nothing. It also proves that alts don't have hospitals that can provide enteral nutrition or basic glucose IV's. How do alts get a stroke patient to eat if they can't swallow food?

"If a diseased person takes drugs, their symptoms may disappear (but the root cause of the disease will probably not be corrected). "

Alternative practitioners are unable to find the root cause of anything because they lack the science. Their ignorance cause them to proclaim a single product as being able to cure cancer, cure blindness and high blood pressure and any other ailment there is. Curing cancer is child's play for them because all cancer is the same to them.

"If a diseased person takes huge amounts of the right supplements (whether oral or IV), that person may reverse or even cure the disease (although some supplementation may be required to perpetuate health)."

That would fit into the definition of a drug and yes pharmaceutical drugs including supplements are used in conventional medicine. The key is that it be evidence based and based on speculation.

Is oil pulling a miracle cure?

Question: I have gum and teeth issues, my gums are receding and the enamel is worn off. Yesterday and only yesterday day I did oil pulling, after finding it online doing research to try to help my own teeth and gums. Today, just ONE day later, my red gums are lighter and my teeth are shinny, the dullness from the loss of enamel - looked like enamel. Even after brushing so there was no oil on them and today they are the same, I am doing the oil pulling now as I write this and I am going to continue.

Answer: A tablespoon of organic coconut oil held in mouth swishing for 20 minutes upon arising. Then spit it out do not swallow it. Once a day for 2-3 months and you should see major improvement. Pinker gums and tongue. Bad bacteria & toxins are removed absorbed into the oil.

A few other suggestions to oil pull with are:

- Ozonated olive oil is good for all kinds of rashes as well as pulling toxins out.
- Aloe vera juice is anti bacteria soothing and very healing.
- Olive leaf herb also does wonders. Get a good one (organic standardized like paradise herbs). It is anti viral, anti bacterial and has healing properties.
- Colostrum - open a capsule dump the white powder contents ion the tongue & hold / swish in the mouth.

Atherogenesis: New Realities and Old Myths

"The philosophies of one age have become absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow."  - Sir William Osler, Aequanimitas and Other Addresses

Atherosclerosis is characterized by the presence of irregular patches or plaques in the intima and subintima (inner wall) of arteries near their branchings or bends. The name atherosclerosis was copinted to describe the late-stage, “vulnerable” plaque seen in victims of cardiovascular deaths, This plaque was noted to have two components: a gruelly lipid-rich material (athero, wihch means “gruel”) and a hard fibrous tissue (sclerosis). But atherosclerosis is a long, long process, perhaps lifelong, and asymptomatic for the greater part (90 percent or more) of its course. It is said - because who can say what really happens when we rely only on autopsy findings of humans (e.g. P-Day) and cannot rely on so called atherosclerosis findings in animals - that the earliest lesions are intimal thickening and fatty streaks. These are accidental findings during autopsies of children, even infants and their genesis is mysterious. Many theories are proposed - mechanical process, a good study should be a comparison of breast-fed against milk-fed infants.

Atherosclerosis continues silently into adulthood. Whether it may regress in some is not knowable with present investigational techniques. Only much latter (at forty to fifty of age), especially in those who smoke or are obese, hypertensive, diabetic and genetically predisposed, may it become a disease and lead to a fatal heart attack or stroke.

R.W. Wissler’s ten-year research program on pathological determinants of atherosclerosis in youth (P-Day) and other studies identified the atherosclerosis-prone regions of the circulatory system. Also identified were the plaques that are innocuous and benign; and malignant or vulnerable. Antherosclerosis lesions are divided into two stages or forms: the benign and the malignant. The benign form may progress to the malignant form or may remain benign throughout life. Many elderly patients who die of causes other than cardiovascular disease (CVD) are found to have atherosclerosis only at autopsy. They usually show no signs of disease in life. Such cases probably constitute the greater majority in the developing countries of the world as well as in some highly developed ones like Japan, France, Switzerland and the Mediterranean countries.

The Benign Forms or the Quiescent Stage
Three types of plaques are classed as benign: the initial fatty streak which eventually may or may not become fibrofatty and then fibrous. All are flat, non-obstructive and asymptomatic. They are found at bends, bifurcations or branchings of arteries where the bloodstream becomes turbulent and jet streams produce high-and-low-shear stress areas. Plaques form in the low-shear areas where large circulating bodies like lipoproteins and white cells can congregate and adhere to the wall. Lipid accumulation can be induced in animals with low plasma cholesterol simply by hemodynamic stress. Plaques do not form in veins where the blood is steadily flowing and pressure is very low.

The fibrous plaque, being asymptomatic like its predecessor, is discovered only at necropsy or in X-ray films or scans. Like skin wrinkles and white hair, it is often just a sign of aging. Autopsies of young adults who died in accidents, however, have revealed such plaques in the aorta and larger arteries. Fibrotic plaques have been reported to be as frequent among the young Japanese in Japan as in young American casualties of war, indicating that cultural, dietary, or environmental influences are of little importance. In the elderly, fibrotic plaques are expected to be present and one without any would be a rare individual. The interesting 64-million-dollar question is why plaques remain stable and innocuous in many people while in some they become malignant.

On microscopic examination, fibrous plaques have little cholesterol deposit; instead they have much collagen and elastic fibers, T lymphocytes, macrophages and monocytes coming from the muscle layer of the artery. The migration of smooth muscle cells was first described in 1977 by Earl P. Benditt, who proposed this as the first step of atherogenesis. The migration is said to be stimulated by a platelet-derived or endothelium-derived growth factor (PDGF or EDGF). When activated, monocytes are transformed into macrophages. These cells as well as fibroblasts secrete collagen and elastic fibers to make the plaque fibrotic but flat. Other cells attracted to the site are granulocytes, mast cells and B lymphocytes from the bloodstream. To gain entry into the subintimal area, adhesion molecules (VCAM, ICAM) are secreted by the endothelium to facilitate the process wherein circulating cells stick to the intima and enter through gaps in the endothelium.

Inflammation is the body’s defense and repair system. The many kinds of cells that gather in a diseased site, attracted there by chemoattractants, lympokines, and cytokines, are there to kill invading organisms, remove foreign bodies or cancer cells and repair damage. A successful inflammation should end in cure and recovery. Failure to achieve cure, however, leads to a continuing effort, a chronic inflammatory effort, that itself ultimately creates the damage and becomes the disease. Chronic inflammation of the joints (arthritis), of muscles and connective tissues (fibromyalgia), of blood vessels (systemic lupus, microvasculitis, atherosclerosis), of bronchial tubes (chronic asthma), of skin (scleroderma), etc. are damages caused by the body’s defensive mechanism, inflammation, and are thereby called “autoimmune” diseases.

Inflammation also underlies the whole atherogenic process. Whatever role cholesterol plays is minimal or nil in the early stages and may become important only in the late stage of the disease and only in persons with risk factors and genetic tendencies. Those persons at risk are definitely a small minority even in developed countries and comprise and even smaller group in developing and coconut oil-consuming countries. The big majority of people carry their fibrotic plaques to their graves and never develop heart disease or suffer strokes even if they smoke and eat saturated fats and cholesterol and are hypercholesterolemic.

The Malignant Plaque
On dissecting open the clogged artery of a heart-attack victim, the occluded site is found to be filled up with a thrombus (blood clot) of different ages, new and old, attached to a large soft plaque filled with gruelly material and a fibrotic cap with a rupture at its base.

Malignant plaques are called “vulnerable” as they are prone to hemorrhage and to fissure and rupture, discharging their gruelly contents and exposing their internal collagenous material. To tis collagenous material, platelets with their Von Willebrand receptors love to adhere, aggregate, form platelet plugs and start the coagulation cascade. In the presence of gene-promoted hyperfibrinogenemia and dysfunctional endothelium-secreting procoagulant factors, cloths (thrombi) adhere to the plaque and slowly grow. The occlusion of the arterial lumen by the complex athero-thrombotic  plaque is just a matter of time. Before occlusion, bits of thrombi may break off to embolize particularly the brain. This process is common in the large vessels like the aorta and carotid arteries, where the blood pressure is highest. The distinguishing of the vulnerable malignant plaque from the fibrous innocuous one has been a most important addition to our knowledge. The formation of the malignant plaque starts the clinical phase of cardiovascular disease. The onset of the clinical phase can be sudden or very slow. Acute coronary events or heart attacks are usually due to large ruptures of plaques with massive occlusive clotting. More common is a slow strangulation of the blood supply by a slowly growing complex plaque, causing episodes of angina or no pain whatever. Such silent heart attacks are now quite frequently seen during routine checkups.

The events leading to the formation of the malignant plaque can be deduced as follows, starting with the flat stable fibrous plaque:

First - LDL laden with cholesterol ester (CE) enters the subendothelium. Cholesterol is an unsaturated steroid molecule and its linoleate or oleate esters are unsaturated fatty acids. The phospholipids of the carrier LDL have polyunsaturated fatty acid tails. LDL-C, therefore, is an unsaturated body ready to be oxidized.

Second - These unsaturated fats (CE and LDL phospholipid tails) are peroxidized by the free radicals (e.g. H2o2) secreted by monocytes and macrophages that have entered and are in temporary residence in the subendothelial space. Peroxidation is a rapid self-sustaining process that continues as long as there is something to be oxidized. The oxidized LDL (oxLDL) now becomes a toxic body.

Third - The macrophages engulf the oxLDL through endocytosis. They also secrete 11-1 (interleukin 1) and other cytokines to attract more macrophages and other inflammatory cells (T and B lymphocytes, mass cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes) to the site. This cellular invasion is the body’s defensive inflammatory response. Macrophages that had taken up and are laden with oxLDC are the foam cells seen in the now softened plaque. These foam cells die and release their oxidized fats and cholesterol esters to form a gruelly mass - the athero of atherosclerosis. Linoleates and oleates are the fatty acids found in plaques - never lauric acid or any of the medium chain fats of coconut oil. How, therefore, can coconut oil be even suspected of causing heart disease?

Fourth  -  The thinning of the fibrotic cap of the plaque weakens it and leads to cracking, hemorrhaging, and rupture, usually near the base of the plaque. The reason for the thinning of the cap, a reverse inflammation, is not known.

Fifth - The collagen fibers exposed in the ruptured site(s) and the gruelly mass that oozes out of the plaque are highly thrombotic; they cause platelets to aggregate, and blood to clot over the plaque.

Sixth - Endothelial dysfunction (q.v.) promotes an increase of pro-clotting and antifibrinolytic factors, while decreasing the production of anti-clotting factors, thus enhancing thrombus formation. The large athero-thrombotic plaque often with the help of vasospasm of the artery is what occludes the vessel finally. The role of vasospasm may be most important in sudden-death cases.

Endothelial Dysfunction
Box 2 summarizes the many functions of the vascular endothelium. It shows what a mighty organ this innocent-looking membrane is, which once was likened to an inert cellophane lining.

The endothelium secretes its own basement structure, the subendothelium, where most of the action occurs. In this “arena” enter the combatants: oxyfreen-free radicals exuded by macrophages and polymonphonuclears (PMNs), T and B lymphocytes, cholesterol-bearing LDLs. The other arena is the blood where the endothelium’s clotting and anticlotting factors react with platelets and coagulation factors. Lastly, there are the ecto-enzymes on the endothelial surface that converts inactive angiotensin I to angiotensin II, another vasoconstrictor. In health, these factors are in balance - the pro- and anti-flammatory, the pro- and anticlotting, the vasoconstrictors and vasodilators.

When the endothelium is injured by stress or disease, this delicate balance is lost; the endothelium secretes more of the damaging pro-inflammatory, pro-vasoconstriction, pro-coagulation enzymes and less of the anti-inflammatory, vasodilator and anticlotting enzymes. It even prevents the dissolution of blood clots by producing an inhibitor of a clot-dissolving enyzme. This pathogenic state is called “dysfunction.” Endothelial dysfunction helps to destabilize the fibrous plaque and make it more inflamed and clot-prone.

Cholesterol: The True Story
Low-density lipoproteins, especially the larger ones, are the vehicles with which the body distributes cholesterol to all its cells for their needs. The few small dense LDLs that are trapped in the subendothelial space of arteries are attacked by free radicals, their polyunsaturated fatty acids peroxidized, oxidizing the LDL and making it toxic. Macrophages then engulf the oxLDL, and these macrophages become the foam cells that form the gruel of the atherosclerotic artery. The LDL-cholesterol molecules that participate in this lethal role are a mere pinchful compared to the circulating 200 mg/deciliter (6-8 gm total) serum cholesterol that serve the body’s needs. These few small dense LDLs are the “bad cholesterol” - “bad LDL” would be a more appropriate name. The poor cholesterol up to this time has been just a passenger. In the foam cell, the cholesterol is inside the LDL which is inside the macrophage. Only after the macrophage disintegrates and relieves itself of its contents can the peroxidized fatty acids and cholesterol take part in provoking more inflammation - a late participation but important in creating the “vulnerable” condition of the plaque.

The $64-Million Question
When and why does the benign fibrotic plaque become malignant and vulnerable?

When? Among westernized women only, after menopause, and among Caucasian and westernized men, starting from mid-  to late adulthood - the ages that Victor Hugo described as “the old age of youth (40s) and the youth of old age (50s).” But, among peoples untouched by Western ways and processed foods, heart attacks and strokes are rare.

The important risk factors believed to play roles in the making of the malignant plaque are listed in Fig. 4. “Risk factor” is a term that denotes only an association, not a causation. Those possessing these risk factors - e.g. those who smoke or are hypertensive, diabetic or obese - are more likely to develop heart disease and to suffer from attacks although there are many cases in which this does not happen, even though the risk factors are present. Why? One explanation is that the risk factors may be operating not alone but in combinations, to which the body’s defenses may respond differently and in various degrees. Hence, atherogenesis is called multifactorial - not only in number and causative combinations of the risk factors but also in the ability of the body to defend itself and repair (or try to repair) the damage inflicted. Ultimately, the answer may be in our genes, which are responsible for all the enzymes and proteins involved in atherogenesis (Table 3). As regards saturated fats,  these are at best only one risk factor. To say that they are the cause of heart disease, as the Lipid-Heart Theory claims, is, to put it bluntly, absurd.

Table 3
Gene Expressions That Impact on Atherogenesis
  1. Cholesterol biosynthesis enzymes
  2. Apo E2/E4 protein regulating cholesterol absorption
  3. Lipoprotein Lipase regulating VLDL-IDL-LDI conversion
  4. APO AI/II HDL proteins
  5. Lipoprotein(a)
  6. All growth factors, lymphokines, cytokines
  7. All receptors of (6)
  8. Macrophage scavenger receptors for
    SR-AI/AII, CD-36, CD-68, LOX-1
    SR-PSOX, Galectin-3
    Chemokine receptors for CXCR-2, CCRS, CS3CRI, MCP-1
  9. Fibrinogen level
  10. Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS)
  11. Clotting/anticlotting factors
  12. Fibrinolytic/antifibrinolytic factors

What is Wrong with the Lipid-Heart Theory?
The seven-country study of Ancel Keys is the seminal paper that launched the Lipid-Heart Theory. The theory states (a) that dietary saturated fats and cholesterol causes high blood cholesterol; (b) that high cholesterol causes coronary heart disease; and (c) that, therefore, fats and cholesterol cause heart disease. Keys selected sixteen localities in seven countries - the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece and U.S. and Japan. He was assisted by local physicians and health workers. After almost a decade of study (in the 1960s), the authors came out with the conclusion that the countries with the highest animal fat consumption had the highest cholesterol levels and incidence coronary deaths. These conclusions were promptly accepted by 99.9 percent of researchers. Dissenters who criticized the design, methodology, execution or analysis were ignored. The Lipid-Heart Theory struck such a responsive chord among heart specialists, funding agencies and especially drug manufacturers that those whose findings did not support or, worse, contradicted the hypothesis tried to soften/modify their conclusions and sought to explain why their studies were at variance with such an established theory. (Note: theory=hypothesis=conjecture=guess.)

M.I. Gurr and Uffe Ravnskov analyzed all the evidence presented for the Lipid-Heart Theory including the largest, most expensive studies like the MRFIT (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trials), the Framingham studies, the WHO (World Health Organization) conducted twenty-seven country Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) study, and the LRC (Lipid Research Clinic) trials. With irrefutable arguments, they showed how untrue were the theory’s claims that (a) saturated fats cause heart disease; (b) high serum cholesterol causes atherosclerosis and heart disease; (c)saturated fats increase serum cholesterol; and (d) lowering cholesterol improves coronary heart condition. Gurr and particularly Ravnskov enumerated the many defects in these studies ranging from “errors” in technique to obvious bias and “scientific fraud,” viz:

  1. faults in design and/or execution;
  2. selection of supportive data and omission/rejection of what are not supportive;
  3. lowering original prestated statistical goals;
  4. magnifying insignificant results by statistical manipulations like taking percent differences of insignificant percent differences and
  5. making conclusions contrary to the results or misquoting data and conclusions of others to favor their own

Fig. 7 (not from Ravnskov) illustrates one common accepted method of presenting data that hides facts behind generalizations, showing that “One can prove anything by statistics” and “The three lies are the small lie, the big lie and, statistics.”

On the other hand, Ravnskov and Gurr cited studies that directly contradicted and negated the Lipid-Heart claims - of populations who ate saturated fats and were healthy, had low cholesterol and no heart disease; and of persons with low cholesterol levels but with heart disease (see quotations below).

Cholesterol (as fully discussed in Appendix B), is an essential element and its level in the plasma is well regulated presumably by need. French researchers (Forette et al.) found that elderly women with the highest cholesterol lived longer and were healthier than women with the lowest cholesterol. SImilar findings in elderly men were reported by Krumholz et al. These indicate how useful cholesterol is to the health of the body. The Framingham study findings are in accord and support these observations:
In Framingham, Massachusetts, the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s cholesterol… the opposite of what the equations provided by Hegsted et al. (1965) and Keys et al (1957) would predict… In Framingham, for example, we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol… saturated fat.. calories.. weighed the least and were most physically active.
Eighty percent of individuals who develop coronary artery disease (CAD) have a total plasma cholesterol within the same range as those who do not develop CAD.

Therefore, present attempts to keep loewring the target levels of serum cholesterol, such as the latest advice to reduce cholesterol (LDC-C) down to 70 mg/dl by administering large doses of the statin drugs to high-risk patients, might succeed but for the wrong reason: not because of the low cholesterol level but because of the anti-inflammatory effects of the statins.

Paul Ridker, noting that half of myocardial infarcts and strokes occur in people with normal cholesterol, showed that C-reactive protein (CRP), a known marker for inflammation, was found in high levels in such patients and that high doses (80 mg) of atorvastatin given to heart-attack survivors reduced the risk of a second heart attack from 10 percent in two and a half years to 4 percent when the CRP was brought down to less than 1 mg per L. This strongly supports the inflammatory nature of vascular occlusion and the anti-infammatory action of the statin.

The use of such high doses of atorvastatin should be approached with caution because the cholesterol level is also brought down so low - as low as 70 mg/dl! While acute coronary or cerebral events might be prevented in the short term in those with bad genes and already have heart disease damage to other organs, particularly the brain, may be a long-term complication in the offing. The latter event becomes even more objectionable and reprehensible among healthy persons induced to lower their cholesterol to such levels for no reason other than misguided advice. In healthy persons with good genes, high cholesterol is not bad and may even be desirable.

Dieting is Ineffective
The Lipid-Heart Theory continued to hold despite the fact that all attempts to lower cholesterol and decrease the likelihood of heart disease by diet alone failed. L.A. Corr and M.F. Oliver, in a 1997 review entitled “the low fat/low cholesterol diet is ineffective,” analyzed the six randomized controlled trials for primary prevention (i.e., healthy subjects) and the two trials of low-fat diet for secondary prevention (i.e., patients with coronary heart disease). Their conclusions were (1) that “dietary advice to reduce saturated fat and cholesterol intake, even combined with intervention to reduce other risk factors, appears to be ineffective for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease and has not been shown to reduce mortality” and (2) that “low-fat diet has no place in the treatment of myocardial infarction.”

Lifestyle Change Is Necessary
Shortly after the publication of Corr and Oliver’s paper, Dean Ornish and his colleagues went on to demonstrate that coronary atherosclerosis could be controlled, even reversed, by a more rigid fat and cholesterol restriction plus changes in lifestyle. They confirmed Corr and Oliver’s findings that the recommended 30 percent dietary fat restriction did not go far enough. Ornish’s diet allowed no more than 10 percent of fat calories and 2 mg of cholesterol a day. This diet (starvation to some people) included lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking, limiting alcohol intake, regulating exercises and most importantly, managing stress by daily meditations, yoga exercises, stretching and relaxing, breathing exercises and continuing cohort support. Without stress management, fat restriction and control of other risk factors were found ineffective. Ornish also observed subjects with high serum cholesterol (above 200 mg%) whose atherosclerosis had been reversed, and others with low cholesterol (180 mg or less) whose atherosclerosis progressed. Such findings show the weakness of the fat/cholesterol-heart association and instead, the importance of mental health and equanimity to the overall health of the body.

Wrong Therapeutic Goal
Despite the acceptance of the inflammatory nature of atherosclerosis, it is still being through a cholesterol-lowering diet that restricts the consumption of saturated fats, cholesterol, and coconut oil. In the next chapter we will look at the real relationship between coconut oil consumption and heart disease.

Are the Saturated Fats Causing Heart Disease in America?

"The history of medicine is largely a substitution of ignorance by fallacies." - Richard Gordon, The Alarming History of Medicine

The Food Guide Pyramid Program
Newsweek’s January 20, 2003 issue declared that present-day Americans are experiencing “obscene rates” of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Time’s March 1, 2004 and Fortune’s October 23, 2003 issues discussed the newly recognized role of inflammation as the common pathogenic mechanism for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Meanwhile, National Geographic, in August 2004, asked, “Why Are We So Fat?” - “we” referring to Americans. For four top popular U.S. magazines to devote lead articles to obesity shows the gravity of America’s epidemic of the new millenium.

Year 2002 marked the tenth year that the Food Guide Pyramid program (launched by the U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] in 1992) had served as the American people’s bible on what to eat and what not to eat. The program instructed Americans to shun saturated fats (coconut oil and animal and dairy fats) and to use nothing but polyunsaturated “vegetable oils,” such as corn and soybean oils and their margarines and shortenings for the preparation of all foods. The program recommended only carbohydrates and sugars as principal calorie sources, lean meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts. It carried no warning against transfatty-acid-containing foods, despite the demonstrated toxicity of these fats. This dietary recommendation shows how strong has been the influence and power of the U.S. edible-oil industry. They even succeeded in hiding for a time the toxic transfatty acids they produce in their margarines and shortenings.

Americans followed this guide faithfully. American food and confectionery producers removed the dairy and coconut fats in their products and replaced them with partially hydrogenated corn and soybean oil derivatives. Many Americans depend on easy-to-cook-and-serve processed foods and eat many of their meals in fast-food chains and restaurants that serve breads, pies, pizzas, potato fries and foods fried in polyunsaturated oils or enriched with shortenings rich in transfats. Reluctantly perhaps, they stopped taking butter and made do with flat-tasting margarine. Unknowingly, they substituted the toxic transfat-rich foods for the saturated fats they were told to be avoided. Their calories, in ever larger amounts, came from carbohydrates, sweets and polyunsaturated omega-6 oils. What about coconut oil? It vanished from all grocery and supermarket shelves.

From this diet, Americans got fat and sick. In just ten years on the Food Guide Pyramid diet, two-thirds (64 percent) of Americans, twenty years and older, are being reported to be overweight, and one-third (30 percent) of adults were obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more! There are plans to change the seats of planes and buses with more commodious ones. The Food Guide “is a disaster”, said Newsweek. What cardiologists and nutritionists had recommended as the most healthful diet was instead causing more diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and cancer. The advice, obviously, was wrong.

With this carbohydrate-linoleate-transfat-with-no-saturated-fat diet, the sensation of satiety is dulled, and the craving for food enhanced. The stomach simply dilates to accommodate all this additional bulk; obesity follows. A drastic corrective measure by surgeons for patients who consent, is stomach resection to restore the stomach’s normal capacity and help the patient to eat less. Another intervention is the insertion of a plastic ball into the stomach to partially fill it up. Liposuction is popular for removing fat collections under the skin (subcutaneous fat), but unfortunately, not the abdominal (visceral) fat whose adipocytes are the most active in secreting inflammatory cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP). It goes without saying that these surgical remedies carry their own risks.

The systemic effects of obesity, especially visceral obesity, also result from the increased levels of inflammatory prostaglandins from excess omega-6 linoleates and transfatty acids that contribute to multi-organ involvement in diabetes: of the heart, brain, gut, kidneys, eyes (retinopathy, cataracts), peripheral nerves (polyneuropathy) and the whole body (accelerated aging). Two pathological mechanisms may be acting in tandem to produce this multi-organ disease: (1) metabolic syndrome/type 2 diabetes and (2) inflammation by linoleate overdose and/or transfatty-acid toxicity.

(a) Metabolic Syndrome
In metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, the prime features are calorie overload and insulin resistance that lead to hyperinsulinism, and, in diabetics, hyperglycemia. The consumption of excess calories from fats and carbohydrates (particularly, the simpler carbohydrates and sugar) dump ready calories into the organism. The response is more secretion of insulin to metabolize this overload. Repeated frequently, insulin efficiency falls and more insulin is needed to do the job. What happens in insulin resistance is not yet fully understood - whether the insulin receptors are down-regulated  or they become insensitive because of a change in their structure. Japanese researchers suggest that the loss of insulin receptor sensitivity is due to a single gene mutation resulting in adipocytes secreting less adiponectin (which enhances insulin efficacy) and more resistin (which promotes resistance to insulin). Subjects may remain in a prediabetic state or may become frankly diabetic. Whether diabetic or only prediabetic, the complications are similar - multi-organ involvement due to chronic inflammation and obstruction of small arteries (microvasculitis) of the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, nerve trunks and peripheral vessels. The older generation of diabetologists had wondered why diabetic complications were so unpreventable even in seemingly “adequately treated” diabetic patients. The explanation is now known to lie in this widespread inflammation of the smaller arteries of the  body that develops with insulin-resistance syndrome.

(b) Essential Fats
The omega-6 fatty acids, e.g. linoleic acid and omega-3 fish oil, cannot be synthesized by the body and are called essential fatty acids (EFA). EFA deficiency leads to abnormal lipid levels and atherosclerosis. K.C. Hayes’s analysis of many studies in animals and humans is reproduced, slightly modified, in Fig. 1. HIs chart indicates that, as long as linoleic acid intake is adequate (3 to 4 percent or more) the coadministered fats do not affect low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. At less than this intake, however, oleic acid (18:1), palmitic acid (16:0), and lauric plus myristic acids (12:0 + 14:0) may raise LDL-D, the latter quite significantly. This might explain why in all studies where animals were fed partially hydrogenated coconut oil without EFA supplementation, the animals developed hypercholesterolemia and vascular lesions, whereas when they were fed natural coconut oil with EFA supplementation and even cholesterol, they remained healthy. Hydrogenation either saturates the unsaturated fatty acids in coconut oil, or worse, converts them to transfatty acids. It is most surprising that stearic acid (18:0), the saturated fat of pork and beef, was found to have no effect on LDL-C in EFA deficiency. It is this fat of animals that was the primary target of the Seven Country Study, MRFIT and other studies that form the bases of the “Saturated are bad” slogan.

(c) The Essential Fats Are Bad in Excess
Hayes’s analysis did not go beyond 12 percent of 18:2 intake. What happens when linoleic acid is taken at 20,30 percent or more as many Americans must be doing? In the body, linoleic acid is elongated and desaturated to 20:4 (arachidonic acid) (Fig. 2). Arachidonic acid (AA) is then incorporated into the phospholipids that form the plasma membrane of all body cells. When needed by the cell, AA is detached by the enzyme phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and converted by other enzymes (lipoxygenases and cycloxygenases) into various active compounds. These are called eicosanoids because hey all contain twenty carbon atoms but they have different structures and functions. Blood platelets produce thromboxane (TxA2) that constrict blood vessels and cause platelets to aggregate and to initiate clotting. Many blood cells produce different prostaglandins (PGE2, PGF2a, PGD2); some of these, e.g. PGE2, promote inflammation for defense or reparative purposes. Bronchial muscles and other cells liberate leucotrienes that provoke broncho-constriction (asthma) and allergic reactions. In short, consumption of linoleate oils in large amounts saturates the body with too much arachidonic acid and leads to an increased tendecy towards inflammatory and allergic diseases. The diseases now plaguing the U.S. after ten years on the Food Guide Program may very likely be partly due to the consumption of linoleate oil from soybean, corn, safflower and sunflower oils.

(d) Transfats
Transfatty acids have long been shown to increase the atherogenic risk factors, namely, they increase the small dense LDl and lipoprotein (a), and decrease the HDL levels. The transposition of one unsaturated C-atom  by the partial hydrogenation process converts the normally bent molecule to a straight one, like in saturated fats, but still unsaturated. Such an abnormal compound must interfere with the normal processes of the body (see Appendix A).

Transfats are bad in any amount, as is now becoming evident from several studies. Walter Willet and his Harvard University School of Public Health co-workers have reported positive relationships between transfatty acid intake and coronary heart disease in the 80,000 plus cohort of nurses they had been observing. Similarly, Pietinen et al. observed a significant association between transfatty acid intake and coronary disease among Finnish men and no association between coronary deaths and cholesterol or saturated-fat intake.

Margarines and shortenings, created by partial hydrogenation and rich in transfats, are used in the processing of many foods stocked up on the supermarket shelves of westernized civilizations. Fortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has finally awakened to the transfat danger and requires that by January 2006, all processed foods in the U.S. should state their transfat content on their labels. The transfat poisoning may decrease, but the linoleate toxicity will remain as long as these oils are used in excess.

(e) Saturated Fats and Overeating
Strange as it may seem, the lack of saturated fats may actually be contributory to America’s health problems. While smoking gun points directly to the carbohydrates, transfats and, omega-6 polyunsaturates, the desire to overeat may be induced by the very lack of saturated fats in the diet. Coconut oil and animal fats stimulate the feeling of satiety that makes a person stop eating. Omega-6 polyunsaturates and carbohydrates, on the other hand, are weak satiety stimulants. The fact that they constitute a large percentage of the American diet may be the principal cause for the ever larger food portions now being served. Never in the history of the U.S. has obesity been as pervasive and as severe, even in children.

Heart Disease in Early Twentieth-Century America
In the early 1900s, there was a very low incidence of heart disease in America. Paul D. White, the “dean” of American cardiologists and author of the first book on heart disease, started his cardiology practice in Boston in 1921 and is said to have seen his first coronary heart patient only in 1928. The total number of heart disease-caused deaths in 1930 was only 3,000 and these involved rheumatic and hypertensive disorders predominantly (Fig 3). What fats were America eating at that time? Americans were eating animal and dairy fats - lard, butter, tallow and coconut oil. Where were the vegetable oils - corn, soybeam, cottonseed, safflower, sunflower oils? They were not yet being marketed. This situation persisted till America’s entry into the war (WWII) and the Japanese occupation of coconut-producing countries, particularly in the Philippines. The U.S. could no longer get coconut oil. Thus was born the soybeam and linoleate oil industry. By the end of the war, soybeam and corn oils had taken up the market previously held by coconut oil. When coconut oil tried to reenter the U.S. market in 1946, the soybean-oil lobby started its campaign against coconut oil and other tropical oils. The American palate was now completely accustomed to the taste of the polyunsaturates, their margarines and shortenings.

In 1950, barely five years after the end of WWII, a frightening health problem suddenly reared its head. The U.S. Census startled America with the report that 51 percent of Americans were dying of heart disease, 90 percent of which were coronary. The total deaths from heart disease was 500,000. What could have caused this? Could it have been a lingering stress effect from the war? During the wartime food scarcity, the British, Dutch, Swedes, and Finns registered fewer cardiac deaths. After the war, with more food, heart-disease death rates started rising again - but not to such levels as this. This was a 167-fold increase over the 1930 heart-disease mortality rate.

No amount of increase in population, life expectancy or smoking could explain this. Neither could better diagnosis. Heart disease diagnosis in the 1950s did not differ much from that in 1930. The portable direct writing ECG machine was just developed and starting to replace the unwieldy photographic electrocardiograph. Enzyme tests for myocardial infarction were not even on the horizon.

The most significant change at this time was in the American diet: the widespread use of soybeam and corn oils, and products of their partial hydrogenation used as substitutes for butter and coconut oil. By 1950, according to Enig and Fallon, butter consumption had fallen by half - from 18 to 9.6 lbs per year - because butter had been displaced by polyunsaturated linoleate oils (corn, soybeam and other vegetable oils) and the margarines and shortenings from linoleate oils (Fig. 4 Table 2). Margarines and shortenings are artificially created by the partial hydrogenation of polyunsaturated oils, a process invented by a German chemist. Partial hydrogenation transforms the polyunsaturated liquid oils into a richer, creamier solid and more stable products for the baking of breads, cookies, biscuits, crackers, chips, pies, cakes and other foods. Partial hydrogenation does not saturate the double bonds; the oil remains unsaturated but the position of one of the carbon atoms making up the double bond changes from cis to trans (see Appendix A); thus, transfatty acids were consumed in liberal amounts in all processed foods, and in foods served in restaurants and homes. No one knew yet how toxic they were. When suspicion was directed towards the transfatty acids as the possible causative factors for the heart-disease mortality rate increase, the edible-oil group hastily pointed at the saturated fats instead, while promising to remedy the hydrogenation process to do away with the transfatty acids.

Till the ‘40s however, saturated animal fats and cholesterol had been the only fats on the American dining table and coronary heart disease was not a problem. In fact, when Dr. White was asked by the American Heart Association (AHA) panel (Drs. Irving Page, Jeremiah Stamler, and Ancel Keys) to endorse the launching of the “Prudent Diet” of corn oil, margarine, chicken and cereal to replace butter, lard, beef and eggs, Dr. White refused; he knew that saturated fats were not the bad fats; he had seen that they did not cause heart disease when he started his cardiology practice.

Ancel Keys, director of the Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene at the University of Minnesota, was mainly responsible for the “Fats cause heart disease” idea. In 1953, he formulated the Lipid-Heart Theory, which states that all fats, whether animal or vegetable, can cause heart disease. By 1957, he narrowed the blame to the transfatty acids and the saturated fats. The edible-oil industry, however, suggested that it was too much hydrogenation that produced the transfatty acids and promised to tone down on the process to avoid producing them, although this maneuver did nothing to decrease the production of transfats. However, for some reason, Keys still focused on saturated fats as the cause of heart disease.The transfatty acids, conveniently relegated to the background, remained there until Mensink and Katan and Enig showed how bad they really are. Mensink and Katan’s study proved that transfats raise the LDL-C level and lower HDL-C. Later, it was shown that, of the various LDL types, the small dense LDLs and lipoprotein (a) are the more atherogenic and that they are the ones increased by transfatty acids. The small dense LDL can more easily penetrate the endothelium and enter the subendothelial space than the larger LDL species. Lp(a) or lipoprotein(a) is an LDL with a long apo(a) protein attached to its apo-B protein; this makes the LDL more sticky and adhere better to the arterial wall. In addition, it also acts as an antifibrinolytic (pro-clotting agent) by preventing plasminogen from being changed to plasmin, the clot dissolver.

The history of heart disease in the U.S. may be summarized thus:
  1. Before the 1940s, when Americans were eating only saturated fats, there was a very low incidence of coronary heart disease.
  2. Polyunsaturated vegetable oils and their hydrogenated products supplanted saturated fats and coconut oil during World War II. By 1950, deaths from heart disease peaked to 50 percent of the total deaths in the country.
  3. Since then, the mortality rate from coronary disease has come down mostly because of better treatment - technological advances in surgical, interventional, and therapeutic management. But the incidence of coronary disease (morbidity) has remained high despite lowered saturated fat consumption, higher vegetable intake, and jogging and fitness addiction. In this period, butter and lard consumption went down by 75 percent but the consumption of vegetable oil products trebled (Table 2). Coconut oil use stopped completely.

"We learn from history that we do not learn from history!" - George Bernard Shaw

The Politico-Economic History of Philippine Coconut Oil

After 333 years of colonization (from 1565 to 1898), Spain ceded the Islas de Filipinas to the United States at the Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898, for twenty million dollars. This treaty marked the end of the Spanish-American War and of Spanish rule of the islands, and the beginning of the American regime that lasted till 1946.

The Philippine archipelago of 7,111 islands, like many island nations of the Pacific, is coconut bearing; 70 percent of its agricultural lands are planted to coconut. The many products from the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera, L), in particular the oil expressed from the meat of its mature fruit, has helped sustain the healthy lives of the Filipino people since time immemorial.

It did not take long for America to discover the virtues of coconut oil - its cooking qualities (flavor, stability, versatility), its food value especially as margarine and shortening, and its industrial uses, especially that of lauric acid in soap-making. Refinery plants capitalized by American and German money were set up in the Philippines to produce coconut oil for American food (especially confectionery) and industrial companies. Coconut oil was allowed to enter the U.S. untaxed. Hence, the Philippine coconut export earnings from the U.S. rose  rapidly; by 1919 this had risen to nearly 40 percent of the total earnings of the country.

American Protectionism from the 1930s to the 1960s
The era of American protectionism started in the early 1930s with the growth of the soybean agriculture that the U.S. Department of Agriculture had introduced. American vegetable oil producers and the dairy industry combined to mount a strong opposition to Philippine coconut oil importation. On May 11, 1934, the Revenue Act of 1934 (HR 7835) was passed by the U.S. Congress. It slapped a 3-cent-per-pound excise tax on coconut oil that trebled the price of coconut oil to make it uncompetitive, and was denounced as an act of “unmitigated injustice.” Governor-General Frank Murphy sent a strongly worded message that “the unlimited application of the tax will provoke a near disaster in the economy of the Philippines” that “will entail widespread distress and disaffection among the people.” This outcry led to the amendment of the Act to provide for the return of the excise tax money to the Philippine Commonwealth government, provided: (first) that not a single centavo would be used to help the coconut industry; and (second) that the industry would not receive any budget from the local revenues for the duration of the refund.

The Filipino coconut farmers suffered from the resulting low prices of the coconut for the next thirty years until finally the Act was repealed in 1966. Meanwhile the U.S. government returned to the Philippine government the tax money collected until then: USD102 million was returned to the Philippine Commonwealth government in 1938 and after World War II, in 1946, the remainder of USD157.2 million was returned to the newly independent Republic of the Philippines. The Philippine government uses this welcome bonanza for many developmental projects, but as prescribed by the Act, not one centavo could be spent for the coconut industry. In his budget message to the National Assembly in 1938, President Manuel Quezon said: “This means that not only the proceeds of the said excise tax, but even the fund derived from the local revenues of this government, cannot be used for aiding the coconut industry as long as we continue receiving the benefits of the coconut oil excise tax.”

When the Japanese invaded the Philippines in 1941, President Quezon sought shelter in Corregidor and escaped to Australia with General McArthur. He died in the U.S. in 1944 and his successor as president of the Philippine Commonwealth (in exile) was Sergio Osmeña, while in the Philippines, Jose Laurel, left by Quezon to “min the fort,” was caretaker president. President Osmeña returned with General McArthur in 1945. One year later, it was Manuel Roxas who took over as the first president of the independent Republic of the Philippines.
America continued to tax coconut oil imports for another twenty years after Philippine independence. In 1966, the Act was at last repealed. The excise tax money collected in these twenty years, amounting to USD182 million, was deposited in a special account but has not yet been returned despite repeated official representations.

American Protectionism Resumed
What effect did the excise tax have on U.S. importation of coconut oil from the Philippines? Coconut oil’s superior qualities for cooking and confectionery were found difficult to replace by other oils and its importation by the U.S. continued.

In the ‘70s, however, the concerted attacks of the American Soybean Association and other enemies of the coconut (most viciously in the ‘80s & ‘90s) finally succeeded in banishing coconut oil from American food. It was during this time that the notion that “tropical oils are bad, especially coconut oil” reached its height in America.

Sadly, Filipino doctors, nutritionists and dietitians, as well as the general public, have unquestioningly accepted and echoed the “Coconut oil is bad” dictum. While vegetable oil continues to be used for cooking in Filipino kitchens, few housewives are aware that it is actually coconut oil. The “coconut oil” label has become a promotional liability in its own homeland and producers need to hide behind a “vegetable oil” label.

Table 1 lists some of the false claims leveled against coconut oil and the truths about them.

Coconut oil is only one of the many products that come from the coconut tree - the Tree of Life that can provide practically all the needs of man, including food, clothing, shelter and medicines - as shown below.

Table 1.

False Claims
Coconut oil is rich in cholesterol.
Coconut oil has no cholesterol.
Coconut oil is like animal fats - saturated.
Yes, both are saturated but animal fats have long chain fatty acids (LCFA) while coconut oil contain medium fatty acids (MCFA). Their absorption, transport and metabolism and uses are completely different.
Coconut oil increases cholesterol levels and causes heart disease.
People who take large amounts of coconut oil (such as the Polynesians, Sri Lankans, Indians, Bicolanos of the Philippines) have low cholesterol and rarely develop heart diseases.
Polyunsaturated oils are the safest and the best.
Not true. Polyunsaturated oils are the sources of inflammatory prostaglandins, allergic leukotrienes, blood clot including thromboxane and when partially hydrogenated, are converted to transfatty acids that are even more atherogenic.

Box 1
The Coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn)

  1. Nature Nut (Niyog)
    1. Meat

         2. Water

         3. Shell

        4. Husk (Fiber, Pith)

Coconut oil - cooking, cosmetics, shamppo, medical uses
Coco flour - baking
Coconut dietary fiber - hear disease and colon cancer prevention
Animal feeds

Wine, vinegar

Activated carbon, charcoal
Household items
Trinkets, decorations, handicrafts
Coir mattresses, ropes
Coir sheets for soil erosion prevention
Organic fertilizer
B. Young Nut (Buko
Buko water - plant growth hormones/regulators
Kidney stone prevention
C. Inflorescence
Food items
Alcoholic drinks
D. Spathe and Guinit
Helments, decors
Handicraft items, handbags, fans, etc
E. Leaves
Paper pulp
Housing materials
Household materials (baskets, trays)
F. Trunk
Lumber, wood products
G. Roots
Dye stuff, rope, twine